A to z linux cammand list for Hacking

A – Linux Commands

aptAdvanced Package Tool / A package management system.
apt-getInstall / remove / update packages
aptitudeA utility to add / remove / upgrade packages
apmdUsed to handle events reported by APM BIOS drivers.
awkUsed to find and replace text in a file .
atrmDelete jobs queued by the at command.
aumixA audio mixer utility
autoupdateUpdate a configure.
asA portable GNU assembler.
atSchedule command execution at specified date & time.
atqList a user’s pending jobs
autoheaderCreate a template header for configure.
acpiShow information about the Advanced Configuration and Power Interface.
accessCheck a user’s RWX permission for a file.
aclocalGNU autoconf too
aconnectALSA sequencer connection manager.
acpidInforms user-space programs about ACPI events.
addr2lineUsed to convert addresses into file names and line numbers.
addressesFormats for internet mail addresses.
aplaySound recorder and player for CLI.
anacronrun commands periodically.
aliasCreate an alias for Linux commands
amidiPerform read/write operation for ALSA RawMIDI ports.
amixerAccess CLI-based mixer for ALSA soundcard driver.
aproposShows the list of all man pages containing a specific keyword

B – Linux Commands

breakUsed to exit from a loop.
bzip2A block-sorting file compressor.
bisonA GNU parser generator.
bindUsed to attach a name to a socket.
bcAccess the GNU bc calculator utility.
bashGNU Bourne-Again Shell.
bgSend processes to the background.
badblocksSearch a disk partition for bad sectors.
bannerUsed to print characters as a poster.

C – Linux Commands

cutremove sections from each line of a file.
cpCopy contents of one file to another.
clearUsed to clear the terminal window.
commUsed to compare two sorted files line by line.
continueResume the next iteration of a loop.
cppGNU C language processor.
cronA daemon to execute scheduled commands.
csplitSplit a file into sections on the basis of context lines.
curlTransfer data from or to a server.
chrtAlter process attributed.
chshSwitch login shell.
cksumPerform a CRC checksum for files.
colFilter reverse from the input.
cpioCopy files from and to archives.
ctagsMake a list of functions and macro names defined in a programming source file.
calShow calendar.
catConcatenate files and print them on the screen.
ccGNU C and C++ compiler.
cdChange directory.
cdda2wavRip a CD-ROM and make WAV file.
chmodChange access permission for a file
chpasswdUpdate password in a batch.
chrootRun a command with root privileges.
chkconfigManage execution of runlevel services.
chgrpUsed to change group ownership for file.
chvtChange foreground virtual terminal.

D – Linux Commands

dfShow disk usage.
dirList the contents of a directory.
dcDesk calculator utility.
dateShow system date and time.
dirnameDisplay pathname after removing the last slash and characters thereafter.
duShow disk usage summary for a file.
dumpBackup utility for ext2/ext3 file systems.
dumpe2fsDump ext2/ext3/ext4 file systems.
dumpkeysShow information about the keyboard driver’s current translation tables.
dmesgExamine and control the kernel ring buffer.
disableRestrict access to a printer.
dirsShow the list of remembered directories.
declareUsed to declare variables and assign attributes.
ddrescueUsed to recover data from a crashed partition.
debugfsFile system debugger for ext2/ext3/ext4
depmodGenerate modules.dep and map files.
dmesgExamine and control the kernel ring buffer.
dnssec-signkeySign a secure DNS keyset with key signatures specified in the list of key-identifiers.

E – Linux Commands

exitExit from the terminal.
ejectEject removable media.
enableEnable/disable shell builtin commands.
esdcatUse EsounD to send audio data from a specified file.
esdctlEsounD control program.
esdplayEsounD system to play a file.
e2fsckCheck ext2/ext3/ext4 file systems.
edGNU Ed – a line-oriented text editor.
egrepSearch and display text matching a pattern.
exportSet an environment variable.
expectAn extension to the Tcl script
exInteractive command
echodisplay text on the screen.
esdplayEsounD system to play a file.
e2labelShow or change the label on an ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem.
edquotaEdit filesystem quotas using a text editor
emacsEmacs text editor command line utility.
envShow/set/delete environment variables.

F – Linux Commands

fileDetermine file type for a file.
fingerdProvides a network interface for the finger program.
fuserFind and kill a process accessing a file.
ftpFile transfer protocol user interface.
freeShow free and used system memory.
fsckCheck and repair a Linux file system.
formatFormat disks.
ftpdFTP server process.
functionDefine function macros.
factorDisplay prime factors of specified integer numbers.
falseExit with a status code indicating failure, Do nothing, unsuccessfully.
fc-listShow the list of available fonts.
fdformatDo a low-level format on a floppy disk.
fetchmailFetch mail from mail servers and forward it to the local mail delivery system.
fgUsed to send a job to the foreground.
findDo a file search in a directory hierarchy.
flexGenerate programs that perform pattern-matching on text.
forExpand words and run commands for each one in the resultant list.
findDo a file search in a directory hierarchy.
foldWrap input line to fit in a specified width.
fc-cacheMake font information cache after scanning the directories.

G – Linux Commands

grofferDisplays groff files and man pages.
gprofShows call graph profile data.
getoptsA utility to parse positional parameters.
gpgvUsed to verify OpenPGP signatures.
grofferDisplays groff files and man pages.
groupdelRemove a user group.
groupaddAdd a new user group.
groupmodModify a group definition.
groupsShow the group.
grpckVerifies the integrity of group files.
gunzipA utility to compress/expand files.
gzipSame as gzip.
g++Run the g++ compiler.
gccA C and C++ compiler by GNU.
gdbA utility to debug programs and know about where it crashes.
getkeycodesDisplays the kernel scancode-to-keycode mapping table.
gpasswdAllows an administrator to change group passwords.
gpgEnables encryption and signing services as per the OpenPGP standard.
gpgsplitUsed to split an OpenPGP message into packets.
gpmIt enables cut and paste functionality and a mouse server for the Linux console.
grepSearches input files for a given pattern and displays the relevant lines.
groffServes as the front-end of the groff document formatting system.

H – Linux Commands

helpDisplay’s help for a built-in command.
hostA utility to perform DNS lookups.
historyShows the command history.
helpDisplay’s help for a built-in command.
haltCommand used to half the machine.
headShows first 10 lines from each specified file.
hexdumpShows specified file output in hexadecimal, octal, decimal, or ASCII format.
hwclockShow or configure the system’s hardware clock.
htopAn interactive process viewer for the command line.
hostidShows host’s numeric ID in hexadecimal format.
hostnameDisplay/set the hostname of the system.

I – Linux Commands

infoUsed to read the documentation in Info format.
installUsed to copy files to specified locations and set attributions during the install process.
ipDisplay/manipulate routing, devices, policy, routing and tunnels.
ipcrmUsed to remove System V interprocess communication (IPC) objects and associated data structures.
ipcsShow information on IPC facilities for which calling process has read access.
isoinfoA utility to perform directory like listings of iso9660 images.
isosizeShow the length of an iso9660 filesystem contained in a specified file.
isovfyVerifies the integrity of an iso9660 image.
iconvConvert text file from one encoding to another.
ifExecute a command conditionally.
ifconfigUsed to configure network interfaces.
ifupStarts a network interface.
imapdAn IMAP (Interactive Mail Access Protocol) server daemon.
iostatShows statistics for CPU, I/O devices, partitions, network filesystems.
isodumpA utility that shows the content iso9660 images to verify the integrity of directory contents.
ispellA CLI-based spell-check utility.
importCapture an X server screen and saves it as an image.
ipcsShow information on IPC facilities for which calling process has read access.
iptablesAdministration tool for IPv4 packet filtering and NAT.

J- Linux Commands

joinjoin them using a command field and display on standard output.
jobsShow the list of active jobs and their status.

K – Linux Commands

killSend a kill processes.
kbd_modeSet a keyboard mode , shows the current keyboard mode.
killallKills a process.
kudzuUsed to detect new and enhanced hardware by comparing it with existing database.
kbdrateReset keyboard repeat rate and delay time.

L – Linux Commands

lsShows the list of files in the current directory.
lprmCancel print jobs.
lprSubmit files for printing.
losetupSet up and control loop devices.
lsusbList USB devices.
lspciList all PCI devices.
ldThe Unix linker
ldconfigConfigure dynamic linker run-time bindings.
letPerform integer artithmetic on shell variables.
localCreate function variables.
locateFind files by their name.
loginCreate a new session on the system.
lookShows any lines in a file containing a given string in the beginning.
logoutPerforms the logout operation.
loggerMake entries in the system log.
lpcLine printer control program
lpmoveMove on or more printing jobs to a new destination.
lprintUsed to print a file.
lastShows a list of recent logins on the system.
lddShows shared object dependencies.

M – Linux Commands

mvMove/rename files or directories.
mkdirUsed to create directories.
mtControl magnetic tape drive operation.
mtoolsUtilities to access MS-DOS disks.
mpg321Similar to mpg123.
mpg123Command-line mp3 player.
mostBrowse or page through a text file.
mzipChange protection mode and eject disk on Zip/ drive.
manShows manual pages for Linux commands.
makemapCreates database maps
makeUtility to maintain groups of programs.
mailUtility to compose, receive, send, forward, and reply to emails.
mailqShows to list all emails queued for delivery
mattribChange MS-DOS file attribute flags.
mcatDump raw disk image.
mcdUsed to change MS-DOS directory.
mcopyUsed to copy MS-DOS files from or to Unix.
mdirUsed to display an MS-DOS directory.
minfoDisplay parameters of an MS-DOS filesystem.
mrdRemove an MS-DOS sub directory.
mkfsBuild a Linux filesystem on a hard disk partition.
mklost+foundCreate a lost+found directory on a mounted ext2 filesystem.
mknodCreate a FIFO, block special file.
mmvMass move and rename files.
moreDisplay content of a file page-by-page.
mountMount a filesystem.
mountdNFS mount daemon.
mpg321Similar to mpg123.
mergefile merge

N – Linux Commands

nslookupUsed performs DNS queries
nsupdateDynamic DNS update utility.
nmList symbols from object files.
sendA program to send desktop notifications.
niceRun a program with modified scheduling priority.
netstatShow network information.
nfsdSpecial filesystem for controlling Linux NFS server.
newgrpLog-in to a new group.
newaliasesRebuilds mail alias database.
namedInternet domain name server.

O – Linux Commands

openOpen a file.
odDump files in octal and other formats.
openvtStart a program on a new virtual terminal
opOperator access. (allows system administrators to grant users access to certain root operations that require superuser privileges)
objcopyCopy and translate object files.
objdumpDisplay information from object files.

P – Linux Commands

poweroffShuts down the machine.
perlPerl 5 language interpreter.
passwdChange user password.
pasteMerge lines of files.
patchApply a patchfile to an original file.
pathchkCheck if file names are valid or portable.
pingSend ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network hosts.
pmapReport memory map of a process.
pppdPoint-to-point protocol daemon.
printfShow arguments
pvMonitor progress of data through a pipe.
ptxProduce a permuted index of file contents.
prConvert text files for printing.
pinkyLightweight finger.
pgrepList process IDs matching the specified criteria among all the running processes.
pkillSend kill signal to processes based on name and other attributes.
pwckVerify integrity of password files.

Q – Linux Commands

quotactlMake changes to disk quotas.
quotaonDisable enforcement of filesystem quotas.
quotastatsShows the report of quota system statistics gathered from the kernel.
quotaShows disk usage.
quotacheckScan a file system for disk usage.

R – Linux Commands

readRead from a file descriptor.
rebootRestart the machine.
resetReinitialize the terminal.
rmRemoves specified files and directories.
rwhodActs as a server for rwho and ruptime commands.
rwallSends messages to all users on the local network.
rmmodA program to remove modules from Linux kernel.
renameRename one or more files.
rarCreate and manage RAR file.
raidstartStart/stop RAID devices.
ramRAM disk device used to access the RAM disk in raw mode.
amsizeShow usage information for the RAM disk.
rcpRemote copy command to copy files between remote computers.
rdevSet or query RAM disk size, image root device, or video mode.
rdateSet system date and time by fetching information from a remote machine.
readcdRead/write compact disks.
reniceChange priority of active processes.
rmailHandle remote mail received via uucp.
routeShow/change IP routing table.
rshRemote shell
rshdA daemon that acts as a server for rsh and rcp commands.
ruptimeShows uptime and login details of the machines on the local network.
rusersShows the list of the users logged-in to the host or on all machines on the local network.
rwallSends messages to all users on the local network.
rwhoReports who is logged-in to the hosts on the local network.
rwhodActs as a server for rwho and ruptime commands.
readarrayRead lines from a file into an array variable.
readelfShows information about ELF files.

S – Linux Commands

suChange user ID or become superuser.
sudoExecute a command as superuser.
swapoffDisable devices for paging and swapping.
sysctlConfigure kernel parameters at runtime.
syslogdRead and log system messages to the system console and log files.
sysklogdLinux system logging utilities. Provides syslogd and klogd functionalities.
swaponEnable devices for paging and swapping.
syncSynchronize cached writes to persistent storage.
suspendSuspend the execution of the current shell.
sumChecksum and count the block in a file.
ssDisplay socket statistics, similar to netstat.
statDisplay file or filesystem status.
sniceReset priority for processes.
sshAn SSH client for logging in to a remote machine.
splitSplit a file into pieces of fixed size.
ssh-agentHolds private keys used for public key authentication.
sshdServer for the ssh program.
ssh-keyscanGather ssh public keys.
ssh-keygenA Generates, manages, converts authentication keys for ssh.
sourceRun commands from a specified file.
sane-find-scannerFind SCSI and USB scanner and determine their device files.
scpCopy files between hosts on a network securely using SSH.
scanadfRetrieve multiple images from a scanner equipped .
scriptMake a typescript of everything displayed on the screen during a terminal session.
selectSynchronous I/O multiplexing.
sendmailmail router or an MTA. (Mail Transfer Agent)
sensorsShows the current readings of all sensor chips.
sedStream editor for filtering and transforming text
setUsed to manipulate shell variables and functions.
setkeycodesLoad kernel scancode-to-keycode mapping table entries.
setmetamodeDefine keyboard meta key handling.
setquotaSet disk quotas for users and groups.
sftpSecure File Transfer program.
shiftShift positional parameters.
shoptShell options.
sizeLists section size and the total size of a specified file.
skillSend a signal to processes.
sleepSuspend execution.

T – Linux Commands

tarGNU version of the tar archiving utility.
telnetTelnet protocol user interface. Used to interact with another host using telnet.
tftpUser interface to the internet TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol).
testCheck file type and compare values.
tftpdTFTP server.
touchChange file access and modification times.
typeWrite a description for a command type.
ttyDisplay the filename of the terminal connected to standard input.
tsetInitialize terminal.
topDisplays real-time view of processes running on the system.
touchChange file access and modification times.
tacConcatenate and print files in reverse order.
talkA two-way screen-oriented communication utility that allows two user to exchange messages simultaneously.
tasksetSet/retrieve a process’s CPU affinity.
teeRead from standard input and write to standard output and files.
telinitChange SysV runlevel.
TRUEExit with a status code indicating success.
telnetdA server for the telnet protocol.
timeRun programs and summarize system resource usage.
timeoutExecute a command with a time limit.
tloadShows a graph of the current system load average to the specified tty.
trTranslate, squeeze, or delete characters from standard input and display on standard output.

U – Linux Commands

unameShow system information.
ulUnderline text.
unameShow system information.
unrarExtract files from a RAR archive.
unsetRemove variable or function names.
uncompressUncompress the files compressed.
uuidgenCreated a new UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) table.
usleepSuspend execution for microsecond intervals.
untilExecute command until a given condition is true.
ulimitGet and set user limits for the calling process.
uniqReport or omit repeating lines.
umaskSet file mode creation mask.
uptimeTell how long the system has been running.
useraddCreate a new user or update default user information.
userdelDelete a user account and related files.
usermodModify a user account.
usersShow the list of active users on the machine.

V – Linux Commands

viA text editor utility.
vimVi Improved, a text-based editor which is a successor to vi.
vdirSame as ls -l -b. Verbosely list directory contents.
vmstatShows information about processes, memory, paging, block IO, traps, disks, and CPU activity.
vidmode Set the video mode for a kernel image.

W – Linux Commands

writeDisplay a message on other user’s terminal.
whoShows who is logged on.
whereisLocate the binary, source, and man page files for a command.
watchRuns commands repeatedly until interrupted and shows their output and errors.
wShow who is logged-on and what they’re doing.
waitWaits for a specified process ID(s) to terminate and returns the termination status.
wgetA non-interactive file download utility.
whoShows who is logged on.
whoamiDisplays the username tied to the current effective user ID.
whoisLooks for an object in a WHOIS database
warnquotaSend mail to the users who’ve exceeded their disk quota soft limit.
whileConditionally execute commands (while loop).

X – Linux Commands

xinetdExtended internet services daemon. Works similar to inetd.
xzCompress/ Decompress .xz and .lzma files.
xargsRuns a command using initial arguments and then reads remaining arguments from standard input.
xdg-openOpen a file or URL in an application preferred by the user.

Y – Linux Commands

ypxfrTransfers NIS server map from server to a local host.
yppasswddActs as a server for the yppasswd command. Receives and executes requests.
yesRepeatedly output a line with a specified string(s) until killed.
ypbindA daemon that helps client processes to connect to an NIS server.
yaccA GNU Project parser generator.
ypcatShows the NIS map (or database) for the specified Map Name parameter.
yppollShows the ID number or version of NIS map currently used on the NIS server.
ypinitSets up NIS maps on an NIS server.
ypmatchShows values for specified keys from an NIS map.
ypservA daemon activated at system startup. It looks for information in local NIS maps.
ypsetPoint a client (running ypbind) to a specifc server (running ypserv).

Z – Linux Commands

zipA file compression and packaging utility.
znewRecompress .z files to .gz. files.
zcatUsed to compress/uncompress files. Similar to gzip
zcmpCompare compressed files.
zforceAdds .gz extension to all gzipped files.
zicCreates time conversion information files using the specified input files.
zlessDisplays information of a compressed file (using less command) on the terminal one screen at a time.
zmoreDisplays output of a compressed file (using more command) on the terminal one page at a time.
zdiffCompare compressed files line by line.
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